AI solution for MSK measurements on X-ray and EOS acquisitions.
BoneMetrics™ uses deep learning techniques to automatically measure spine, pelvis/hip, shoulder, leg, knee and feet angles and lengths. The software solution provides preliminary data to assist clinicians in analyzing standard and EOS X-Rays.

Automatically measure spine, pelvis/hip, shoulders, leg, knee and feet angles and lengths.
BoneMetrics™ automatically measures the different angles and lengths of the anatomical regions involved in a standard and EOS X-Ray.
Seamlessly integrate results into the PACS through the Incepto Gateway. No additional interface required.
The result report is sent to the patient file with a copy of the original image.
Streamline X-Ray measurements
Save time and improve workflow
Increase accuracy
Save time, secure your diagnosis and optimize your workflow with Incepto
Automated feet measurements using an artificial intelligence-based software. Authors: Louis Lassalle, Nor-eddine Regnard, Jeanne Ventre, Vincent Marty, Lauryane Clovis, Zekun Zhang, Ali Guermazi, Jean-Denis Laredo. Abstract accepted at ECR 2023
Automated hip measurements using an artificial intelligence-based software. Authors: Louis Lassalle, Nor-eddine Regnard, Alexia Tran, Jeanne Ventre, Vincent Marty, Lauryane Clovis, Zekun Zhang, Ali Guermazi, Jean-Denis Laredo. Abstract accepted at ECR 2023
Automated full-leg measurements using an artificial intelligence-based software. Authors: Louis Lassalle, Nor-eddine Regnard, Jeanne Ventre, Vincent Marty, Lauryane Clovis, Zekun Zhang, Ali Guermazi, Jean-Denis Laredo. Abstract accepted at ECR 2023
Artificial Intelligence Eases Cobb Angle Determination with High Accuracy. Authors: Nor-eddine Regnard, Jeanne Ventre, Vincent Marty, Lauryane Clovis, Ludovic Lim, Chadi Tannoury, Andrew J Kompel, Daichi Hayashi, Ali Guermazi. Abstract accepted at ECR 2024
Evaluation of an automatic system for Cobb angle measurements on full spine radiographs. Authors: Benjamin Bouyer, Louis Lassa le, Jeanne Ventre, Nor-Eddine Regnard, Jean-Denis Laredo. Conference: SFCR 2023
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