AI-based diagnostic solution for lumbar MRI interpretation
CoLumbo is an Artificial Intelligence solution that automatically segments, measures, and analyzes the main structures and abnormalities of lumbar MRI. By delivering annotated MRI sequences and pre-filled reports, CoLumbo provides diagnostic comfort and potential time saving in the radiologist’s clinical routine.

Segmentation, measurements, and diagnosis
CoLumbo provides the segmentation and measurements of the main structures in lumbar MRI. It detects and quantifies the most frequent pathologies, such as bulging, herniation, nerve root impingement, central stenosis with Schizas grading, reduced disc and vertebral height, spondylolisthesis, ...
Two annotated series, axial and sagittal, are directly accessible in the radiologist's viewing console.
Customizable thresholds and reporting
CoLumbo lets you customize pathology detection thresholds and report structure. The report can be sent as a PDF to the PACS, or to the RIS to prefill the radiologist's template.
Time savings: reduces reading and writing time by up to 60%. (5)
Improved diagnostic performance: Reduces errors and omissions by up to 15%.
Automatic generation of a structured, customizable report.
Save time, secure your diagnosis and optimize your workflow with Incepto
Yang, Yi Xian Cassandra et al., An artificial intelligence boost to MRI lumbar spine reporting, European Journal of Radiology, Volume 179, 111636 (July 2024)
Georgiev R, Novakova M, Bliznakova K. Clinical Assessment of CoLumbo Deep Learning System for Central Canal Stenosis Diagnostics. EJMO 2023;7(1):42–48.
Lehnen, N. C. et al. Detection of Degenerative Changes on MR Images of the Lumbar Spine with a Convolutional Neural Network: A Feasibility Study. Diagnostics 11, 902 (2021).
Georgiev, N. & Asenov, A. Automatic Segmentation of Lumbar Spine MRI Using Ensemble of 2D Algorithms. in Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging vol. 11397 154–162 (Springer International Publishing, 2019).
Pr. Dr. Radoslav Georgirev, Clinical Evaluation Report CoLumbo (2020)
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