Insight CXR

AI solution for chest X-ray radiographs

Insight CXR is a solution that support Chest X-Ray analysis with 97-99% accuracy

Insight CXR

Detected Location

Abnormality Score

AI Report

Abnormal radiological groups of findings:

Atelectasis, Calcification, Consolidation, Cardiomegaly, Mediastinal Widening, Nodule, Pleural Effusion, Pneumoperitoneum, Pneumothorax, Fibrosis

Optimized Workflow

Improved Reading Performance

Seamless Integration

Save time, secure your diagnosis and optimize your workflow with Incepto


  1. Van Beek et al (2022), Validation study of machine-learning chest radiograph software in primary and emergency medicine - Clinical Radiology, Edinburgh Imaging, Queen’s Medical Research Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

  2. Ju Gang Nam et al. (2020) , Development and validation of a deep learning algorithm detecting 10 common abnormalities on chest radiographs. ERS


Lunit INSIGHT CXR medical device is a regulated health product that bears the CE mark, Class IIa. Notified Body: BSI. n°2797. Manufacturer: Lunit Inc. Lunit INSIGHT CXR is a diagnostic tool and shall not be used alone to recommend medical care for diagnostic purposes. Please read the instructions in the user manual carefully. Please contact for more information. Last update:  YYYY/MM/DD

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