AI Powered MRI enhancement solution
SwiftMR™ is a transformative solution that reduce MRI scan times, enhancing patient comfort without sacrificing image quality. Thanks to SwiftMR™, the solution achieves significant time savings by adjusting MRI protocols and accelerating scans. It then employs a deep learning model to enhance these images, effectively transforming them into sharp, high-quality images.

Enhanced efficiency
Proven to reduce MRI scan times by up to 50%, significantly boosting patient throughput.
Exceptional image quality
Enhances image quality, making scans from even legacy systems clearer and more detailed
Improves efficiency and increases patient throughput
Improves operational efficiency and revenue
Enhances image quality
Save time, secure your diagnosis and optimize your workflow with Incepto
Deep learning–based reconstruction for acceleration of lumbar spine MRI: a prospective comparison with standard MRI. Yoo, H., Yoo, RE., Choi, S.H. et al. Eur Radiol 33, 8656–8668 (2023).
Deep Learning-based Image Enhancement Techniques for Fast MRI in Neuroimaging. Roh-Eul Yoo, Seung Hong Choi. Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences, 2024, Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 341-351, Released on J-STAGE July 01, 2024, Advance online publication April 27, 2024, Online ISSN 1880-2206, Print ISSN 1347-3182,
Harnessing artificial intelligence in radiology to augment population health. Sim Jordan Z. T., Bhanu Prakash K. N., Huang Wei Min, Tan Cher Heng. Frontiers in Medical Technology Volume 5 – 2023.
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