TechCare Bones™
Osteoarticular radiograph AI solution
TechCare Bones™ provides measurements and detailed analyses of orthopedic assessments in radiography.

Fully automatic measurements and analyzes
Automatic length and angle measurements for hips, pelvis, feet, shoulders, and full-leg or full-body (when taken in conjunction with TechCare Spine™)
Automatic body part recognition
TechCare Bones™ automatically detects the exam type and provides the relevant measurements.
Results even with the presence of foreign bodies
The presence of foreign bodies does not impact performance
Automatically integrated
Result files (annotated secondary captures) are automatically sent to your usual reading environment.
Precise and fast measurements
Intuitive structured report with references
Ability to perform measurements even with the presence of foreign bodies
Save time, secure your diagnosis and optimize your workflow with Incepto
AUTOMATIC DEEP LEARNING-BASED ASSESSMENT OF SPINOPELVIC CORONAL AND SAGITTAL ALIGNMENT”. Zerouali M | Parpaleix A | Benbakoura M| Rigault C | Champsaur P | Guenoun D. Publication : March 2023| Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging (DII).
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