Annotator Incepto

Would you like to participate in the development of our AI applications by annotating medical images?

Leave us your contact details by filling in this form:

First name and LAST NAME(Required)
What is/are your clinical specialty(ies)?(Required)

Number of years of practice (post-thesis)(Required)
What is your status?(Required)

*Incepto is the controller of the personal data you provide here. To exercise your rights over this data and obtain more information, you can consult article 3 of our legal notice & RGPD.

Some information about the terms and conditions of the annotation service:

To begin annotation work, an agreement must be signed between Incepto and the service provider (annotator).

Within the same agreement, the annotator can annotate on different tasks (within the maximum remuneration limit) and therefore on different annotation campaigns.
At the start of each annotation campaign (annotation work delimited in time and associated with a given task),
– Incepto announces the rate per exam associated with the annotation task in question.
NB: the rate is calculated on the basis of an hourly rate and by estimating the annotation time per review.
– the annotator and Incepto define together the volume of exams to be annotated and the deadline.

At the end of an annotation campaign, Incepto indicates the total number of exams annotated by the annotator in a pre-completed invoice to be signed by the annotator. The annotator remains responsible for the information provided on the invoice. After signature, Incepto will pay the invoice by bank transfer.

Save time, secure diagnosis and optimize your workflow with Incepto