Automatic detection of radiological signs of gonarthrosis in standard radiography.
KOALA™, for “Knee Osteoarthritis Labeling Assistant”, assists healthcare professionals in assessing the severity of gonarthrosis in standard radiography based on the Kellgren & Lawrence score. It integrates automatically into the radiologist’s usual reading environments, PACS or review stations.
Automate and standardise the assessment of gonarthrosis
Automated production of a structured report
Directly available in PACS or your review station.
Save time, secure your diagnosis and optimise your workflow with Incepto
- Paixao, M.D. DiFranco, R. Ljuhar, D. Ljuhar, C. Goetz, Z. Bertalan, H.P. Dimai, S. Nehrer, A novel quantitative metric for joint space width: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI), Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
Founded in 2016, ImageBiopsy Lab (IB Lab) is a leading company in the field of AI-assisted musculoskeletal imaging solutions. ImageBiospy Lab’s mission is to improve the quality of life for more than one billion patients suffering from musculoskeletal diseases by providing AI-assisted imaging applications that optimise medical workflows and enable the prevention, early detection, and management of musculoskeletal diseases.
The KOALA medical device is a regulated health product that carries the CE mark, Class I. Manufacturer: IB Lab GmbH. KOALA is a diagnostic tool and should not be used on its own to recommend medical treatment for diagnostic purposes. Please read the instructions in the user manual carefully. Please contact contact@incepto-medical.com for more information. Last update: 25/03/2022